53 research outputs found

    Multitask Learning for Network Traffic Classification

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    Traffic classification has various applications in today's Internet, from resource allocation, billing and QoS purposes in ISPs to firewall and malware detection in clients. Classical machine learning algorithms and deep learning models have been widely used to solve the traffic classification task. However, training such models requires a large amount of labeled data. Labeling data is often the most difficult and time-consuming process in building a classifier. To solve this challenge, we reformulate the traffic classification into a multi-task learning framework where bandwidth requirement and duration of a flow are predicted along with the traffic class. The motivation of this approach is twofold: First, bandwidth requirement and duration are useful in many applications, including routing, resource allocation, and QoS provisioning. Second, these two values can be obtained from each flow easily without the need for human labeling or capturing flows in a controlled and isolated environment. We show that with a large amount of easily obtainable data samples for bandwidth and duration prediction tasks, and only a few data samples for the traffic classification task, one can achieve high accuracy. We conduct two experiment with ISCX and QUIC public datasets and show the efficacy of our approach

    Dynamic Batch Norm Statistics Update for Natural Robustness

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    DNNs trained on natural clean samples have been shown to perform poorly on corrupted samples, such as noisy or blurry images. Various data augmentation methods have been recently proposed to improve DNN's robustness against common corruptions. Despite their success, they require computationally expensive training and cannot be applied to off-the-shelf trained models. Recently, it has been shown that updating BatchNorm (BN) statistics of an off-the-shelf model on a single corruption improves its accuracy on that corruption significantly. However, adopting the idea at inference time when the type of corruption is unknown and changing decreases the effectiveness of this method. In this paper, we harness the Fourier domain to detect the corruption type, a challenging task in the image domain. We propose a unified framework consisting of a corruption-detection model and BN statistics update that improves the corruption accuracy of any off-the-shelf trained model. We benchmark our framework on different models and datasets. Our results demonstrate about 8% and 4% accuracy improvement on CIFAR10-C and ImageNet-C, respectively. Furthermore, our framework can further improve the accuracy of state-of-the-art robust models, such as AugMix and DeepAug
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